Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer

Mức lương
Đang cập nhật
Địa điểm làm việc
Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
Cập nhật
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng

Mô tả công việc

Mô tả công việc

Oivan is seeking full stack developers with 3+ years of experience in Ruby on Rails and other relevant technologies to join our growing Ho Chi Minh City & Danang teams.

We offer the unique opportunity to work and improve your skills with a diverse and geographically distributed team of technology and business experts around the world. We have offices in Helsinki (Finland), Khon Kaen (Thailand), Bangkok (Thailand), Abu Dhabi (UAE) and Riyadh (KSA) and Vietnam.

Our project team uses Scrum framework via Scrum.org certified Professional Scrum Masters.

We have flexible hours and hybrid work options with open culture and Nordic management style.

Yêu cầu công việc

Yêu cầu công việc


Experience with Git, CI/CD pipelines
Experience with database systems (PostgreSQL)
Front end experience such as Angular, CSS, SCSS
Excellent verbal and written English skills
Experience with REST API, JSONAPI
3+ years of experience with Ruby on Rails
Must be willing and able to travel to Saudi Arabia for work assignments.


Experience with other programming language (Golang, Dart/Flutter)
Experience with Microservice, Kafka, RabbitMQ, ...

Quyền lợi

Tại sao bạn sẽ yêu thích làm việc tại đây

Flexible hours and hybrid work
Macbook Pro, screen protector, mouse, and headphones
Premium insurance
15 sick leaves
We have Scrum.org certified Professional Scrum Masters and Scrum framework used in project delivery.
Company paid team lunch weekly outside
15 days annual leave
Regular team social events
13th Month Salary
International team and work opportunities overseas.
Travel opportunity to Oivan international locations and client sites
10 days of paid paternity leave when have a baby.
Unlimited premium snacks/healthy food, coffee, and drinks at the office
100% net salary paid during probation period
Annual health checkup
Self- study time and company- sponsored opportunities for development (+2 hours per week)

*Please also be noted that by accepting further process, you agree for Oivan Vietnam to collect/ store/ process/ transfer your personal information for the employment process’s purpose.

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-05-26 00:35:03

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Bạn đang xem tin Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer - Mã tin đăng: 4379420. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi


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