Kỹ Năng: Language,Computer,Skill using software of work
Kinh Nghiệm: Engineer,-Designer advertising table&installation of equipment in the house
Kỹ Năng: Communication,Teamwork,Written skills
Kinh Nghiệm: internship,• Waitress,teaching,investigator
Kỹ Năng: Communication Skills,Computer skills,English skills
Kinh Nghiệm: Marketing manager,Sale Admin-Bookkeeper
Kỹ Năng: English,Chinese,Computer,Working under pressure
Kinh Nghiệm: Ship Chandler,Receptionist, Part time studying abroad consultant,Volunteer for Vision English cafe shop,Volunteer(interpretor)
Kỹ Năng: Logical thinking and creative,Office,Public Speaking
Kinh Nghiệm: Accoutant Staff,Receptionist Staff
Kỹ Năng: Working under high pressure,Communicate in English fluently,Computer skills,Flexibility/ Adaptability,Team-working,Work independently
Kinh Nghiệm: Auditting Staff
Kỹ Năng: Language,Computer
Kinh Nghiệm: Warehouse accountant,Part-time account
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