VNG corporation
Mọi người đồng ý giới thiệu bạn bè làm việc tại đây
Cân bằng cuộc sống
Lương thưởng / phúc lợi
Cơ hội thăng tiến
Quản lý
Văn hoá công ty

Dynamic, young, Vietnamese IT company with startup mindset

- 5 năm trước

Ưu điểm

Leadership team is open and forward-thinking. Little bureaucracy for a 1000+ employee company and employees are encouraged to innovated and take initiative. Good benefits and team building opportunities, strong focus on personnel-training, development, and teamwork

Khuyết điểm

Sometimes it can be a hassle to get things done unless you contact top leadership directly. Does not get rid of excess employees whose functions are already redundant.
Downsize and restructure before getting even bigger.

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