VNG corporation
Mọi người đồng ý giới thiệu bạn bè làm việc tại đây
Cân bằng cuộc sống
Lương thưởng / phúc lợi
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Văn hoá công ty

Great working environment and benefit

- 5 năm trước

Ưu điểm

VNG is one of the best companies that have great working environment and benefit for staff, if you just care about it.

- Tons of practical benefit including private gym room in the building, free yoga, aerobic class, gift for all holidays, unlimited budget for teambuilding...
- All documents (annual leaving, report...) are systemized that mean you aren't stuck in papers.
- Support budget for learning foreign languages in 18 months.
- Supportive Admin/HR/Accountant help their staff for documents, insurance.. quickly and effectively that I always appreciate.
- Funny VNG birthday events.

Khuyết điểm

- Improving equal policies for career promotion of staff.
- Need to be flexible for changing from 1 dep to another.

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