#4548 Mẫu CV Blockchain Intern thiết kế chuẩn nhất 2025

Thông tin liên hệ

Gợi ý: Cung cấp đầy đủ thông tin như

47, Thôn Quỳnh Tiếp, Xã 9, Quận Vũ Băng Canh Bến Tre

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Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

Gợi ý: Cần đưa ra mục tiêu rõ ràng, tránh lan man

Having a strong experience about cryptocurrencies and most elements of blockchain technology, I myself can bring up both mental strength and enthusiasm into work. On the surface, I'm just a newbie, but on the other side, I can offer the strongest, boldest and purest eager you would need.
Knowing Framgia for a long time, I really hope for a long career, for which I offer hard work and pure loyalty. With given requirements at Senior/Junior positions, I assume that Framgia is going to implement blockchain on a previous/on-going project, or create

Trình độ học vấn

Gợi ý: Liệt kê tất cả các trường bạn đã từng học từ ĐH tới giờ

Graduated Sep 2010 - May 2013

  • Khoai Chau High School, Hung Yen

Major: Software Engineering Sep 2013 - Current

  • Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology
  • Paused for almost 2 years, re-joining now.

Full-stack Web Developer Apr 2016 - Aug 2016

  • Techkids Coding School
  • Learning about NodeJS, AngularJS (a bit) and basic MongoDB, but most importantly the definition about web as a whole.

Aug 2018 - Current

  • Udemy: "Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide"
  • Learning to create dapps.

Kinh nghiệm làm việc

Gợi ý: Liệt kê, mô tả các công việc bạn đã từng làm

Product Photographer Feb 2015 - April 2015

Main responsibilities:
- Styling and taking photographs of cakes for social media
- Brainstorm concepts as materials for marketing team

Recognition and Gains:
- Knowing to finalize a social media product, training necessary skills for teamwork.

Collaborator - Part-time Oct 2016 - Dec 2016

Main responsibilities:
- Writing articles about technology, especially from the perspective of a software developer.
- Translate English articles from tech-sites, such as TheVerge, Wired, sometimes financial sites.
- Reviewing different kinds of gadgets, from a camera to a keyboard. 

Achievements and skills gained:
- Learn the kind of language that suitable for a large number of readers. 
- Observe, learn and knowing the workflow in a big news site.
- Improve English translation skill. 

Content Creator/ Editor - Full-time June 2017 - Oct 2017

Main responsibilities is as mentioned above, plus:
- Review articles for different kinds of faults, such as typographic ones.
Achievements and skills gained: as mentioned above, plus:
- Learn to work on a fixed time schedule.
- Know the culture in a big corporation.
- Refining the Quality Assurance skill in copywriting. 

Kỹ năng

Gợi ý: Liệt kê danh sách kỹ năng của bạn




Chứng chỉ

Gợi ý: Các chứng chỉ bạn đã đạt được

  • My weakest spot, where I find myself (currently) empty, part of my early-day "hipster" hatred for Academic.

Hoạt động

Gợi ý: Các hoạt động bạn đã từng tham gia

Research the basic of Bitcoin, and the technology beneath Apr 2017 - Aug 2017

- Learn the definitions of Bitcoin, blockchain, the different aspects of the technology as a whole
- Practice with different online trading platform, making transactions, installing some early-day client, try almost everything else (even mining with just a laptop GPU)  
- Cover most of developer/security articles and all blockchain/technology articles for GenK.vn in this period. 

Experience with Blockchain 2.0, mostly Ethereum May 2017 - Jan 2018

- Learning about the whole idea about smart contract, trying two main different implementations of Blockchain 2.0: Ethereum and Neo. Though Neo is a little bit up to 3.0 for its applications, I think seeing different implementations is a good practice for learning the basic.
- Running different CLI Ethereum clients (mostly geth), mining with 6-GPUs rigs, do private consults for cryptocurrency investors about Ethereum and Ethereum/Zcash mining.

Revise knowledge base, start learning about blockchain construction and dapps Jul 2018 - Current

- Start following two different courses: "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies" by Princeton on Coursera to rethink the core of blockchain technology, and "Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide" by Stephen Grider on Udemy to learn how to make dapps.
- Start interacting with Rinkeby and web3js.
- Launch a blockchain with basic functions on AWS, based on original Python source by Daniel van Flyman, Currently trying to implement the consensus part to run on  different clients, different nodes.

Giải thưởng

Gợi ý: Thành tích và giải thưởng đã từng đạt được

Kim Dong Prize awarded by Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization 2006 Runner-up in Hung Yen Province Young Information Technology Competition 2009 2nd Runner-up in Hung Yen Province Young Information Technology Competition 2011

Sở thích

Gợi ý: Một số sở thích cá nhân

I really like mechanical cameras and kind of a master in this field. Beside that, as the majority in the industry, I enjoy botch watching and playing video games. But mostly, my major enthusiasm is technology, both software and hardware.
Gợi ý cách viết Mẫu CV tham khảo Blockchain Intern

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Chào bạn, 123job rất vui khi đã chia sẻ tới bạn Mẫu CV Xin Việc Blockchain Intern “cực chất” bằng Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Việt mang phong cách hiện đại dành cho sinh viên, người đi làm với các kỹ năng Language, Copywriting, Computer .... Đây là mẫu CV đơn giản và đầy đủ nội dung nhất cho bạn tham khảo. Bạn có thể xem mẫu CV xin việc đẹp miễn phí khác để tạo cho mình 1 chiếc CV xin việc mang phong cách hiện đại.