Technical Leader & Embedded Software Engineer
MAR 2018 -
* VNPT Home IP Camera Project
- Research Realtek RTL3901/3902L Chipset Architechture and SDK for Home IP Camera
- Research & development CGI web portal in Home IP Camera
- Research & development RTSP modules subsystem in Home IP Camera
- Research & development Cloud Storage modules subsystem in Home IP Camera
- Research & development Audio Two-way modules subsystem in Home IP Camera
- Research Night Vision & Led Indicator modules subsystem in Home IP Camera
- Research P2P Protocol modules subsystem in Home IP Camera
* Smart Teaching System Project
- Research and Build asterisk server, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
- Research and development SIP Client in Orange Pi Zero.
- Research and development SIP Server use C++/Qt Framework in PC/Laptop Ubuntu/Mac OS
* Fog/Edge Computing Project
- Research & Development Edge/Fog Computing Technology
- Research Deep Learning in CPU Intel Architecture & GPU NVIDIA (parallel computing)
- Research & Development Deep Learning in Edge/Fog (CPU Intel & MXNet Apache Framework & Intel MKL) for Nature Language Processing & Image Processing
- Research & Development Deep Learning in Edge/Fog (GPU NVIDIA & MXNet Apache Framework) for Nature Language Processing & Image Processing
- Research Edge/Fog Application in 5G Technology
Technical Leader & Embedded Software Engineer
MAY 2017 -
Mar 2018
* VNPT IoT Gateway Project
- Develop Linux Firmware for VNPT BTS Gateway (TI Sitara AM3358 Chipset)
- Develop Software Stack for VNPT BTS Gateway (Java OSGi Framework)
- Develop Texas Intrusment Zigbee Standard (802.15.4), Zigbee/IP, Sub-1-Ghz Connectivity for VNPT BTS Gateway communicate with Wireless Sensor Network
- Develop Ẹthernet, Wifi & Cellular for VNPT BTS Gateway communicate with IoT Cloud
- Develop VNPT BTS Gateway WSN Management (LWM2M Protocol)
- Develop VNPT BTS Gateway Web Portable (manage, storage, setup, monitor,...)
- Project Leader in Base Transceiver Station Monitor
- Research & Development Fog Computing Technology
* Smart Queuing Box Hospital Project
- Develop Linux Firmware for Smart Queuing Box Device in Post Hospital
Embedded Software Engineer
FEB 2016 -
April 2017
* Research & Development about Internet of Things Technology
* Research & Development Firmware for VNPT IoT Universal Gateway (Intel Solution)
* Research & Development Software Stack for VNPT IoT Universal Gateway
* Research & Development Texas Intrusment Zigbee Standard (802.15.4) & Zigbee/IP for VNPT IoT Universal Gateway communicate with Wireless Sensor Network
* Research & Development Texas Intrusment Sub-1-Ghz (802.15.4) and 6LoWPAN for VNPT IoT Universal Gateway communicate with Wireless Sensor Network
* Research & Development Wifi & Cellular for VNPT IoT Universal Gateway communicate with IoT Cloud
* Research & Development Lightweight M2M Protocol (LWM2M) for VNPT IoT Universal Gateway manage things in wireless sensor network
* Research & Development Fog Computing for VNPT IoT Universal Gateway
* Intel Taiwan training about Intel IoT Gateway
* Intel Penang training (Malaysia) about Intel IoT Gateway
* Embedded Systems Graduate Certificate
Project Manager, Team leader and Developer
Oct 2015 -
MAR 2016
* As freelancer on
* Working about C/C++, Python, Django, Linux, Computer Vision, Image Processing, MachineLearning,DataMining
* Projects are worked: "Break captcha using Python and Opencv", "Draw and Prun Decision Tree using C4.5 Tic Tac Toe process", "Video steaming from webcam, phone,.. with Raspberry pi as server","Text categorization using support vector machine", "Pinterest bot with Python", ...
* On working : "People counting", "fingerprint recognition",....
AUG 2015 -
NOV 2015
Write a software Detect Conflict IP Address (Static and Dynamic) for VNPT-Technology's set-top-box Project descriptor: build a software detect conflict IP address (static and dynamic) for VNPT-Technology's settop-box follow RFC 5227.
JULY 2015 -
Sep 2015
- Trainning Embedded Linux System & android.
- Working on agile methodology
- Working a project "Mutilmedia tranfer on mesh network using network-coding technology"
Manager and Developer
June 2014 -
DEC 2015
Main responsibilities:
* Working about Machine-to-machine problems
* Have experience about Raspberry Pi
* Join to developing project "Floort Alert" and set it up in Quang Nam
* Join to developing project "Bridge Collapse Alert"
* Join to developing project of Ministry of Information & Communications: "Research and Development M2M Gateway compatibility mobile platform of Vietnam"
* Research and Development network coding techniques for wireless and sensor networks for purpose reduce bandwidth , upgrade tranfer speed, against lost information. ...
* Building Fast Operator System base Linux OS for Networking and Machine Learning for Embedded Linux System Raspberry Pi
* Research and Development Linux Device Driver: Charactor Device Driver, Block Device Driver, Network Device Driver, USB Device Driver