#14127 Mẫu CV SENIOR ADMINISTRATOR cum Customer service assistant thiết kế chuẩn nhất 2025

Thông tin liên hệ

Gợi ý: Cung cấp đầy đủ thông tin như

66 Phố Diễm, Phường Thảo Đào, Quận Phùng Tấn Quảng Ngãi

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Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

Gợi ý: Cần đưa ra mục tiêu rõ ràng, tránh lan man

- With the knowledge that has been learned in the University and the experiences accumulated over 4 years past, I have been working really hard to become an Excellent Adminitrator.
- I set my goal for the next 1 years will become the Administrative Manager/ Customer service Manager and 3 years later will become Administrative Director.

Trình độ học vấn

Gợi ý: Liệt kê tất cả các trường bạn đã từng học từ ĐH tới giờ

Business Adminitration Sep 2009 - Jun 2013

  • VAN HIEN University
  • 7.8/10

Kinh nghiệm làm việc

Gợi ý: Liệt kê, mô tả các công việc bạn đã từng làm

Customer Service Manager cum Office Administrator Jun 2017 - Jul 2018

Main responsibilities of Customer Service Manager:
- To manage and monitor the operations in support of resales & leasing done at Company.
- To ensure all salespersons comply with all policies, rules and regulations, when doing real estate works.
- To deal and serve directly with customers either by email, telephone, electronically or face to face.
- To organize workflow for agents to meet customer timeframes and keep records of customer interactions and transactions
- To record details of inquiries, comments and complaints of customers
- To provide feedback on the efficiency of the customer service process
- To assist in the supervision and management of staff and salespersons’ records, data, documentation, claims, benefits, etc.
- To support and assist in the management, monitoring and administrative requirements on projects including resale & leasing documents.
- To document and update clear procedures for operations and administration for all to comply.
- To prepare Monthly report for Resale & Leasing on weekly meeting. - To churn out any other reasonable reports for management decision making, evaluation and control.
- To assist in the development and implementation of the new management system.
- To cover the administration matters, especially project admin in the absent of the Admin Manager.

Administrator cum Customer Service Nov 2014 - May 2017

Main responsibilities:
- To manage office supplies stock and place orders
- To prepare regular reports on expenses and office budgets
- To maintain and update company databases. Organize a filing system for important and confidential company documents
- To answer queries by employees and clients. Update office policies as needed
- To maintain a company calendar and schedule appointments. Book meeting rooms as required. Arrange travel and accommodations. Schedule in-house and external events
- To distribute and store correspondence (e.g. letters, emails and packages)
- To prepare reports and presentations with statistical data, as assigned.
- Some legal works: advertising permits, fire protection, environmental reporting, ...
- Making plan & manage the market research, Market survey & consulting projects
- Day-to-day contact with all targeted governmental departments, local media & businesses and potential customers

Event Coordinator Jul 2013 - Oct 2014

- Planning for program, writting script, building team building/ event program.
- Running program: prepare for the logistic, manage whole program and make sure everything will be happen as designed script.

Achievements and skills gained:
- Be assessed positively by the Director: dynamic, creative, hardworking and responsible to the job.
- Have chance to meet many kind of people, foreigner from many countries and learn about their cultural
- Improve English Communication Skill.

Kỹ năng

Gợi ý: Liệt kê danh sách kỹ năng của bạn


Logical thinking and creative


Public Speaking


Chứng chỉ

Gợi ý: Các chứng chỉ bạn đã đạt được

  • - Bachelor Degree in Business Administration- Certification of Professional Secretary and Office Assistant

Hoạt động

Gợi ý: Các hoạt động bạn đã từng tham gia

Outdoor Activities Jan 2014 - present

- Monthly "Charity cooking day" for Orphans.
- Collecting and classifying information and images, editing video clip
- Building theory background for the presentation
- Being MC as well as presenter.
- Participating in charity program “for the juniors” annually of Department of Travel 
 - Being a member in English club in university

Giải thưởng

Gợi ý: Thành tích và giải thưởng đã từng đạt được

Giải nhất tin học văn phòng 2017-10

Sở thích

Gợi ý: Một số sở thích cá nhân

Travel, Cooking, Book, Outdoor Activities, Charity Activities, Music,
Gợi ý cách viết Mẫu CV tham khảo SENIOR ADMINISTRATOR cum Customer service assistant

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Ngôn ngữ sử dụng: Tiếng Việt hoặc Tiếng Anh

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Chào bạn, 123job rất vui khi đã chia sẻ tới bạn Mẫu CV Xin Việc SENIOR ADMINISTRATOR cum Customer service assistant “cực chất” bằng Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Việt mang phong cách hiện đại dành cho sinh viên, người đi làm với các kỹ năng Office, Logical thinking and creative, Teamwork, Public Speaking .... Đây là mẫu CV đơn giản và đầy đủ nội dung nhất cho bạn tham khảo. Bạn có thể xem mẫu CV xin việc đẹp miễn phí khác để tạo cho mình 1 chiếc CV xin việc mang phong cách hiện đại.