Admin cum Finance Staff Naigai Nitto Logistics Vietnam Co.,ltd

Mức lương
Đang cập nhật
Địa điểm làm việc
Hà Nội
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
Cập nhật
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng

Mô tả công việc

- Ensure office equipment are functioning properly, and proper filing and documentation.
- Ensure compliance and consistency of company policies, procedures and best practices.
- Assist in Office’s reception activities: great visitor, answer incoming calls, send and receive email, fax and correspondences.
- Handling administrative works of the Office.
- In charge of making visa application, booking hotel, air tickets and travel arrangement for business trips.
- Other duties as assigned.
- Handle a variety of HR functions, includes: recruitment, benefits, payroll, attendance time, disciplinary action, counseling/ evaluation, conflict resolution, etc…
- Assist in organizing company welfare activities and events;
- Coordinating with accountant to do and check monthly financial statement;
- Carry out taxation for individuals, prepare and submission timely PIT, FCT;
- Keep track of all accounts receivable and payable transactions;
- Other duties as assigned.
- Issue invoices;
- Liaise with bank in relation with banking matters;
- Manages the processes of vouchers, payments in cash and by the bank transfer;
• Working hours: 8:00 ~ 12:00; 13:00 ~ 17:00.
• Working place: Ly Nam De Street, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi.
• Working days: Monday – Friday

Yêu cầu công việc

+ Allowance for telephone, petrol, lunch meal;
+ Annual health check; Company trip; Year- end party, etc…
+ Off- work full Saturday, Sunday.
+ Competitive Salary and Bonus;
+ 12 days of paid annual leave;
+ Experience in Admin/ GA scope
+ Fluent in English. Skilled in MS Office
+ Female, from 22 to 35 years old.
+ University graduated.
+ Good skill in communication & presentation
+ Honest, careful, and the ability to pay attention to details and carry out work accurately.
Interested candidates, please send application letter, detailed resume in English with a recent photograph and copies of all related certificates via email:
(Please state: "Application for position of Admin Staff" in the Subject line.)
Deadline: 25 Mar 2024. (Only short list will be contact to interview)

Quyền lợi

Off- work full Saturday.

1 day per month of paid menstrual leave

Allowance for telephone, petrol, lunch meal

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-04-03 13:39:44

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Bạn đang xem tin Admin cum Finance Staff Naigai Nitto Logistics Vietnam Co.,ltd - Mã tin đăng: 4144004. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi


Quy mô: Cập nhật
Trụ sở: Cập nhật

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