Fashion Retail Learning and Development Partner

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Hồ Chí Minh
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
Cập nhật
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng

Mô tả công việc

  • To enable our Fashion Advisors to be the front face of CHANEL
Give them a VOICE: build confidence and make FAs feel heard and empowered
Give them a FACE: groom and build presence
Give them PRESTIGE: build awareness of the importance of FA’s role
  • Luxury Fashion Retail has entered into the era of professionalization given the growing size of the business and evolving client demands towards individuality
  • CHANEL continuously strive to engage clients to the Brand effectively and durably in this era of professionalization
  • Client engagement is driven emotionally and visually, with the ultimate goal being to create an emotional connection with the clients to the brand
  • In order for our staff to build emotional connection with the clients, CHANEL has first focus on engaging our own People by strengthening their learning and development
  • In particular our FAs is a priority for engagement, as they are the front face of CHANEL
  • The objective for this role is to drive FA loyalty and Client loyalty, sustaining the speed and depth business growth
  • In this context, our learning and development format will shift from mass training to customized learning solutions and individualized coaching
Job Mission:
(covers both FSN & WFJ topics in Fashion BTQ)
  • Coach FAs on adaptability and flexibility: coach FAs on customizing their behavior according to clients’ personalities, engage and motivate FAs through on the floor coaching
  • Customize, deliver and follow up on training: Tailor learning content based on FA’s needs, deliver training using blended learning approach, monitor FA’s progress
  • Support People Development: Collaborate with HR, Retail Managers, HOB / DHOB in people development (e.g. career path, C&B)
  • Enable FAs to become front face of CHANEL: Engage and develop retail employees to transmit brand values, inspire them to build emotional connection with our clients
Key Roles and Responsibilities
Customize, deliver, and follow up on Learning Path for Retail Team
Guiding principle: To become FA’s trusted “go-to” advisor in Learning and Development, empower FAs to raise their concerns in a structured and logical manner
  • Observe client-staff interactions frequently, maintain close relationship with Retail Team to identify gaps in learning and development
  • Maintain close relationship with FAs to identify and escalate their needs and concerns accordingly
  • Identify and analyze learning and coaching requirements based on individual and collective needs for the boutique
  • Co-owns/develop customized learning roadmaps and content with “office” L&D team
  • Recommend action plans and coaching plans for boutique staff
  • Create, maintain, and monitor the progress of learning and coaching plans
  • Deliver in-boutique learning sessions (e.g. Flash Training, MM sessions, collection briefing) on product, services and strategy
  • Implement learning solutions (including digital ones) and drive digital learning
Coach FAs (Fashion Advisors) on adaptability and flexibility (in-floor coaching):
Guiding principle: To enable FAs (as the face of CHANEL) to build emotional connection with clients by customizing their behaviors for different client personalities
  • Observe client-staff interactions closely and frequently to identify areas of improvement in FA’s interactions with clients and other retail staff
  • Provide near-real time feedback to FAs based on coach’s experience, industry best practices, Chanel’s FA competency framework, Chanel’s vital behavior framework, etc.
  • Plan and track coaching conversations with boutique staff, with the objective of helping them to meet performance objectives and create client-centric experiences
  • Engage in regular coaching conversations with boutique staff to assist in their learning and development journeys
  • Prioritize adaptability and flexibility coaching (i.e. are FAs customizing their behavior based on various client’s personality / flexible on selling approach based on client’s needs)
  • Prioritize coaching on FA development (e.g. understanding their needs and concerns with personal and professional growth) to motivate and retain FAs
  • With understanding of both client needs and FA strengths and improvement areas, assist FAs to execute client action plans (created by Client Engagement Management Expert)
  • Monitor progress and feedback to both CEM expert and FA on client action plans
  • To be the reference within the boutique of all WFJ selling ceremonies and soft skills
  • Ensuring appropriate selling ceremony is carried out  e.g. WFJ products are always offered to clients as part of the Chanel allure, from the beginning of the presentation
  • Ensuring appropriate application of soft skills to support the Client Experience  e.g. Story making to connect with clients
Support People Development
Guiding principle: To bring the best out the FAs by raising the awareness of the importance of FA’s role and developing their careers
  • Understand boutique strategy, manpower requirements and people challenges
  • Partner with Head of Boutique/DHOB, HR, Retail Managers to strategize and develop a comprehensive people development plan (e.g. career path, C&B)
  • Participate in people discussions with HOB/DHOB (e.g. performance review, promotion decisions, etc.)
Onboarding Planning for New Hires
  • Put together customized on boarding experience for new hires and deploy accordingly
  • Coach new hires in product knowledge, selling skills and client service (from My CHANEL Essentials and The CHANEL Experience contents) using blended learning approaches
  • Equip on boarding buddy to support new hires
  • Monitor and track progress of integration for new hires
Collaboration with experts
  • Collaborate with CEM expert to refine, customize and execute client action plans based on FA profile
  • Collaborate with “office” L&D team to co-develop learning paths for retail teams
  • Partner with other relevant stakeholders (on an as-need basis) to curate training content and advise partners on optimal training delivery method
  • WFJ: Will identify areas of improvements(FA/TFJS/TFJE) and work with relevant SME (TFJS/TFJE/FAS Learning/WFJ Learning) to prescribe follow up actions
  • WFJ: Complement TFJS/TFJE roles (Product expertise) to ensure WFJ learning is holistically & consistently applied
Measuring Effectiveness and Feedback on People and Client Intelligence
  • Be accountable for client and employee loyalty quantitative and qualitative KPIs (TBC) , such as:
    • Client survey satisfaction scores
    • Client retention / loyalty
    • Staff turnover
    • Feedback from Fashion Advisors
    • Etc.
  • Track learning and coaching effectiveness by defined KPIs
  • Share observations and feedback regarding staff performance with Btq Mgt
  • Share observations and feedback regarding client trends, behavior, and other insights
  • Proactively bringing people/client intelligence/pulse of the retail teams to retail and business GMs
  • Use CSS reports to define/refine learning plans for staff
  • Partner with H/DOBs in communicating selected strategic messages to boutique staff
Academic / Professional Qualifications
  • Bachelor degree or tertiary diploma
Work Experience
  • At least three years’ work experience in a coaching/training role
  • At least three years’ retail or retail management experience with a client-centric mindset
  • Experience in the luxury goods industry is a plus
Required Competencies
  • Strong passion for people development and client service excellence
  • Strong belief in investing in personalized learning paths for employees
  • Open-minded, adaptable and able to exercise flexibility
  • Strong presentation and communication skills
  • Pleasant personality, energetic with sound interpersonal skills
  • Strong planning skills
  • Client-centric mindset
  • Organized and works independently with minimal supervision
  • Able to exercise assertiveness when required
  • Able to work at the POS and retail hours
Preferred Competencies
  • Learning Cycle and Adult Learning Principles
  • Coaching principles and practices
  • Strong feedback skills
  • Instructional design skills is a plus
Possesses an innovative mindset

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-04-03 12:01:43

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Bạn đang xem tin Fashion Retail Learning and Development Partner - Mã tin đăng: 4096588. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi


Quy mô: Cập nhật
Trụ sở: Cập nhật

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Cấp bậc
Mid-Senior Level
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