Kindergarten ESL Teacher (Expat positions - HCM city)

Mức lương
Đang cập nhật
Địa điểm làm việc
Hồ Chí Minh
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
Cập nhật
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng

Mô tả công việc

Vinschool is seeking dynamic, dedicated, and experienced Kindergarten teachers to join our international teaching team.
Successful applicants will teach Kindergarten at our Campuses in HCMC.

Developing lesson plans based on weekly syllabus sent by the Academic Department and teaching English classes as assigned by the School Board or ESL Coordinator;
Participating in school activities such as English competitions and English- related events as required by the School.
Attending professional training programs organized by the Academic Department and Vinschool‘s HR and Training Department;
Developing learning materials that support the learning objectives and planned activities;
Handling all the paperwork including: making weekly reports on teaching activities, conducting assessments and evaluation reports (twice per semester), completing the Student Progress Report for each student of the classes under his/her management (once per semester) and other paperwork as required by ESL Coordinator and the School;

Minimum Requirements / Knowledge / Skills for ESL Teacher

Dedication to students and commitment to the teaching profession and ethics
At least 1- year work experience as an ESL Teacher, preferred at international kindergartens

Minimum Education Requirements / Qualifications

Bachelor‘s degree or higher
Other relevant professional qualifications, eg ESL Teacher Training Certification – TESOL, TEFL, CELTA (preferably CELTA or TESOL – Trinity College)


Paid school and national holidays
Medical Insurance as per the Labor Code and the Company policy
Salary: Depending on experience and performance during the probationary period
2 week paid summer holiday (June)
Free Lunch
12 paid leave days/year

Safeguarding and Student Welfare
Vinschool is committed to high safeguarding standards and promoting the welfare of all the students in our care and those who work in the school. All appointments are subject to satisfactory references, identity check, qualification verification checks and DBS/Police Background Certificate (or equivalent).
When applying please provide three professional referees , including your most recent line manager, with their position and email contact details.

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-08-23 09:35:03

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Người tìm việc lưu ý:
Bạn đang xem tin Kindergarten ESL Teacher (Expat positions - HCM city) - Mã tin đăng: 4049825. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi
Quy mô: Cập nhật
Trụ sở: Trường Tiểu học VinSchool, T35-36, Khu đô thị Times City, 458 Minh Khai, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội

Thông tin chung

Ngành nghề
Giáo dục - Đào tạo
Cấp bậc
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Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
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Số lượng cần tuyển
Đang Cập Nhật
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