Mức lương
Đang cập nhật
Địa điểm làm việc
Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
Cập nhật
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng

Mô tả công việc


Event Management: Plan, organize, and execute brand- promoting events such as tradeshows and product launches. Manage all event logistics to ensure smooth operations and maximum brand impact.
Public Relations Management: Lead our public relations efforts to enhance the brand&039;s visibility and reputation. This includes managing media relations, crafting press releases, and organizing PR events.
Brand Consistency: Uphold and maintain brand consistency and integrity across all marketing channels and initiatives, ensuring a unified brand message.
Strategic Marketing Planning: Develop and implement a strategic marketing plan that aligns with the company&039;s overall objectives, driving brand awareness, customer engagement, and revenue growth.
Digital Content Oversight: Oversee the creation and management of engaging digital content across various platforms to boost engagement and lead conversion. Ensure content is compelling, on- brand, and optimized for SEO.
Regional Marketing Campaigns: Tailor marketing campaigns to specific regional sensitivities and trends, ensuring that all initiatives are localized and relevant to each market.
E- commerce Platform Management: Oversee the e- commerce platform, ensuring a seamless user experience that maximizes sales potential. Implement improvements based on customer feedback and UX best practices.


Proficiency in managing e- commerce platforms, with a focus on user experience and conversion rate optimization.
Minimum of 5 years of proven experience in a marketing manager role, with a demonstrated track record in developing and executing successful marketing strategies.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively convey the brand message.
In- depth understanding of traditional and emerging marketing channels, with the ability to craft strategies tailored to different platforms.
Familiarity with design principles and aesthetics, with a preference for candidates who have experience working closely with design teams or within a design- focused industry.
Demonstrated experience in organizing and managing events, such as tradeshows and product launches.
Experience with public relations, including media outreach and brand representation at industry events.
Advanced knowledge of digital marketing tools and platforms, including content management systems and analytics tools.
Flexibility to adapt marketing strategies to regional variations and sensitivities.
Loaction: 19/45 Tran Dinh Xu, Cau Kho Ward, District 1, HCMC

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-05-26 00:30:04

Xem thêm
Người tìm việc lưu ý:
Bạn đang xem tin MARKETING MANAGER - Mã tin đăng: 4372675. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi
Quy mô: 100 - 200
Trụ sở: E4/52 quốc lộ 1 A, Phường Bình Trị Đông B, Quận Bình Tân, TP.HCM, Việt Nam

Thông tin chung

Ngành nghề
Marketing - PR
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