Retail manager

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Trên 5 Năm
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Mô tả công việc

Retail Manager in luxury perfumes and cosmetics

Respond and solve customer problems immediately, professional manner and suitable with the regulations of the brands and company
Gather and provide customers feedback on products to management team
Responsible for developing and training the next team
Other jobs as assigned by the Direct manager
Manage and distribute business goals to employees to achieve sales and profitability goals.
Comply with the regulations, rules, policies, culture, core values, mission of the store and company
Take responsibility for employees’ performance, monitor and evaluate employees periodically to achieve business results
Ensure a high standard of consistent customer service through efficient employees training
Take on management role through effective communication and an awareness of employee’s growth
Manage all aspects of the store in Perfume and Cosmetic (images, products, employees, customer service…) in accordance with the commercial strategy approved by the Board of Directors and in image standards and services around the world.
Control the cost and inventory shortage

P&L Management

Support Retail manager to develop an annual budget that keeps track of all expected expenses and sales.
Support Retail manager to plan to grow sales in the store

Sales management and sales service

Cooperate with Retail manager to develop sales strategy based on market trends, sales goals and inventory control.
Ensure that all customers are served properly
Ensure that all sales teams fully understand the sales strategy and apply it
Ensure good after- sale services
Implement this strategy with a quality- oriented sales policy and customer service
Support the Retail Manager to prepare a sales budget every 6 months


Check the staff’s cleaning, general display and uniform
Check out the promotions at the time of application and persistently disseminate to employees
Control stock and order.
Inventory and control import and export of goods


Execute a suitable purchasing strategy, based on the specifics of the store (demand, inventory, and sales goals)


Always fully aware of the inventory of all product lines and report ly to the Retail manager, predict product accumulation and shortages, and maintain as reasonable as possible.
Optimize in- store sales by ensuring inventory is available, and regularly rearranging goods in the store
Proactive inventory management to increase sales

Knowledge of goods and products

Train the sales team to develop the right sales skills
Ensure product knowledge and theme of season & year and responsible for training staff to understand product knowledge.
Develop a training plan and make recommendations to the Manager every year
Maintain an image of the store and the environment with the company that sets its standards of day- to- day operations

Customer Service

Ensure that each member of the Sales Team provides an excellent service to each customer entering the store, consistent with the Brand&039;s customer service standards.
Sales growth through suitable services for all customers
Always be present and resolve internal problems at the store in case of a conflict

Team Management

Track each employee&039;s performance
Create teamwork, discipline and mutual respect, as well as dedication and loyalty to the Company
Ensure all team members receive the right support to reach their best potential
Monitor and ensure the allocation of employee leave schedule according to the regulations of the Company.
Ensure that the team is properly trained on a regular basis to develop customer service, product knowledge and sales skills.
Supervise and maintain high quality staff
Promote the sales team to serve all customers according to specified standards
Responsible for allocating business goals, scheduling work schedules for employees.

Sales Management

Ensure that processes and systems are clearly understand, run smoothly, and comply with the ever- changing needs of sales operations
Support the Retail manager according to the Company&039;s process of handling sales reports


Always be a brand ambassador for all store visitors and to ensure that each member of the sales team acts as the brand ambassador
Deploy all communication activities as instructed by the Marketing department in relation to the store as required
Propose to Marketing all communication activities that can help achieve the store&039;s sales goals

Asset Management

Responsible for the management and maintenance of the store&039;s assets
Responsible for timely reporting to the Retail manager to fix problems that do not affect sales activities

Team Training

Train employees in sales skills, customer communication and other skills
Responsible for guiding and training new employees in accordance with the Company&039;s regulations and procedures

Other jobs as assigned by the Direct Manager

Yêu cầu công việc

Knowledge & Qualification

At least 5 years management skills in luxury retails or similar qualifications.
Excellent English skills and French/ Japanese or Chinese is an advantage
Knowledge of Microsoft Office skills
Graduating from college or higher
Experience in Perfume and Cosmetic retail, fashion, executive management skills is an advantage

Core Competencies

Proactive/ Creative
Positive thinking


Presentation skill
Job assignment and authorization skill
Customer relation management skill
Sales skill
Teamwork skill
Excellent communication skill
Problem solving skill
Training skill
Management capabilities and customer service
Strong sales thinking with solid analytical skill

Quyền lợi

Chế độ bảo hiểm, Du Lịch, Chế độ thưởng, Chăm sóc sức khỏe, Đào tạo, Tăng lương, Nghỉ phép năm

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-11-19 18:05:06

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Bạn đang xem tin Retail manager - Mã tin đăng: 4701637. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi


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