Hygiene Executive Officer/ Nhân Viên An Toàn Vệ Sinh

Mức lương
Đang cập nhật
Địa điểm làm việc
Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
Cập nhật
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng

Mô tả công việc

• Follow Risk Management checklist form and follow the implement issue.
• Promote teamwork and quality service through daily communication and coordination with other departments
• Direct/Manage everyday activity, plan and assign work ensuring you always have the right staffing numbers
• Responsible for maintaining high food quality.
• Develop your team and improve their performance through coaching and feedback, and create performance and development goals for colleagues
• Communicates Food and Beverage safety audit reports, and issues recommendations to improve Food safety standards.
• Recommend or initiate any HR related actions where needed
• Drive a great working environment for teams to thrive- linking up departments to create sense of one team
• Communicates possible problem areas to the manager.
• Train colleagues to make sure they deliver with compliance and to the standards we expect
• Responsible for ensuring that training of kitchen personnel and food service personnel are carefully monitored.
• Help create the department’s annual budget and the setting of departmental goals
• Assists in analyzing and controlling food wastage and food cost.
• Monitor budget and control expenses with a focus on food, beverage, and labour costs….
Guest Experience
• Responsible for ensuring that all F&B personnel are aware and fully trained on the food safety standards of the hotel.
• Responsible for health and safety regulation enforcement and maintaining a clean and safe kitchen, by conducting regular audits.
Responsible Business
• Holds meetings to highlight success and problem areas in the food and beverage safety issues.
• Conduct inspections and enforce adherence to laws and regulations governing the health and safety of individuals to improve worker productivity.
• May assist with other duties as assigned by management
• Leads the hotel in the implementation of the Food Safety Management Systems.
• Other ad- hoc duties – unexpected moments when we have to pull together to get a task done
• Be responsible in keeping our property safe and secure, to participate in any hotel activity related to Fire Life safety.
• Possess a recognized local qualification as well as any legal requirement such as Professional Certificates or Licenses
• Ensures that all procedures from Ordering, receiving, storing, preparing and issuing all food products are strictly adhered to by the Food and Beverage Department.

Yêu cầu công việc

Diploma or Vocational Certificate in Culinary Skills or related field.
Service years in the field :
3 years experience as a chef or an equivalent combination of education and experience
Service years in supervisor/manager level:
Knowledge and skills:
Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities.
Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.
Alcohol awareness certification and/or food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency.
Language: Good English
Preferred (if required)

Quyền lợi

• Rest & Relaxation Allowance per 3 months
• 24/7 Accident Insurance
• Competitive salary
• Repatriation allowance
• Relocation assistance
• Gym room
• Housing, uniform, meal and transportation are provided by the resort
• Service charge
• Bao Viet Health insurance for personal and family
• Social Insurance as law
• Home Leave allowance

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-06-26 23:30:02

Xem thêm
Người tìm việc lưu ý:
Bạn đang xem tin Hygiene Executive Officer/ Nhân Viên An Toàn Vệ Sinh - Mã tin đăng: 4449613. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi
Quy mô: 200 - 500
Trụ sở: Tổ 3, Khu phố 7, thị trấn An Thới, huyện Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang

Thông tin chung

Ngành nghề
An toàn lao động
Cấp bậc
Nhân Viên
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
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