Mức lương
8 - 12 triệu
Địa điểm làm việc
Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
Cập nhật
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng

Mô tả công việc

Understand brand concept of company to delivery wow services:
• Make it personal.
• Knowing your guests’ preferences.
• First impression is the last one.
Critical thinking and creative hostess service concept base on company goal:
• Deep understand the company policies, product & service, and standard operation procedures.
• Cleary know well the deference between brand of La Casa Del Habano and Habanos
• Manage all hostess department in day- to- day operations following the guidelines to matching
highest standards service for guests.
• Collect the case study in hostess operation, raise an idea to make the service betters and
• Always treat well to both internal and external customer service.
convivence for the guests.
• Maintains a positive smile as the best hospitality service, make sure all guest feels comfortable
peration time.
with all the question and answer by direct communication, on phone, or reply message during
• Be responsibility with all the information before delivery to guest to build the trust and become
ur loyalty guest in the future.
Promise to maintain hostess standard operation procedure:
• Observing the guests from outdoor of the restaurant and security assist procedure.
• Listen carefully the communication handover from security before guest get into the
• Standby assist the security in case of needs
• Standby at main door to open the door, smile, welcome to La Casa Del Hanano, and assist
guest with the following service.
• Introduce F&B Floor and unique service of each floor
• Provide the shoese service to guest in case of needs
• Assist guest to the floor where guest expect to seating by elevator
• Introduce guest about the cigar humidor, and walker whisky boutique
• Answer all the guest questions about our retail, fnb service
• Greeting guest by name (if they are loyal guest)
• Communication to F&B team to greeting and welcome guest inform elevatore of floor where
• Remind the company policy to the guest
• Checking guest booking preference (if any)
guest will be arrive
• Beside that, reciving the message of guests from media, zalo, whatsapp, wedside, always be
should be high qualifiacation and confidentail approve to public.
kind and reply with the template professional question & answer, sending file information
• Pick up the phone call quickly before 3 rings, greeting guest through phone “ La Casa Del
nesessary to ensure the communication of question & answer of guest to match thier
expectation and satisfation.
Hanano, Hostess name speaking, how may i assist you ?” is the must, carefully listen word by
with volume voice eassy for the guest to listening, hand record notes, or voice record is
word, sentence by sentence to make sure all guest requirment are correctly, and slowly answer
• Do not say “ YES” or “ NO” immidately if the information is not clear, kindly inform guest
that will be back in minutes after checking carefully of the product & service, selling price,
policy, or other un- usual situation.
• Checking all item & equipmment provide to hostess department are always on, and good
condition to action when the guest interact.
Cooperation with F&B team, Retail team and others department:
• Kindly to ask for advice in case guests need some service in specific and personal requests
• Remind all the team before 15 minutes when guest arrival in case of reservation sucessful
• Ensure all department reciving the booking preference correctly
• Gross check all departments for the guest requirments with well prepare and exactly of preorders and ready to serve
• Update the booking status every hours
such as allergic, make surprise, decoration, other service is not available in house
• Reciving cigar order from fnb team, and make sure listening correct item orders , checking
retail department of item availabe or not available and selling price update, inform fnb for
cigar service delivery on floor soonest or have to suggest guest to change cigar item (if not
• Support retail department in main time with full floor of guests
• Together work with security to ensure every guest is greeting, welcome and assist same as our
company standard.
• Often request kitchen & bar department training for the food, whisky and beverage knowledge
to enhance skill during interact with guests
• Side by side with marketing team to ensure all the advertisement public is following agenda
Learn and earn in the training and F&B aactivities:
• Joinning the training shedule of F&B training courses
• Learn how to recognize after the 1st time visit our restaurant.
• Study and reseach the information which will be benefit for the hostess operation
• Reminder knowledge & skill of produts and service, SOPs, Policy among the team.
• Organize the guest data, history of guest on F2 system, media information sources, internal
channel, and others
• Update the high technique of using app, wed side, online booking, agency, travel & business
feedbacks apps.
Following the standard operation procedure and food safety & hygiene:
• Daily/weekly/monthly checklist.
• Illness hazard and pet control.
• Emergencies Escape.
• Comply with all health and safety regulations.
• Equipment handling.
Search and learn how to use the System:
• POS system: well, know the SOP from open to closed shift, make sure every step of key in
guest order to closed payment are correct as a must and report to shift leader in case of assign
in charge replacement.
• F2 system: reservation, customer data record, marketing program, food & beverage order,
report export.
• Technique 4.0 program apply in restaurant operation included quick decision, iPad Audio
• Barcode system: voucher barcode processing
visual system control, remote control of electric facilities, and others.
Additional Responsibilities:
• Willing to do the urgent task assign by higher level management.
• Take a multi taskless to enhance the knowledge and skill in hostess operation
• Received and complete the task list assignment base on daily basic operation
• Be responsibility and completed task list base on job description agreement.
• Perform the standard hostess work performance at all the them during duty operation
• Kindly support and assist other department in case of need

Yêu cầu công việc

Qualifications and Skills:
• At least 2 years in F&B industry, international hotel, fine dining restaurant, event service or
•Graduated Diploma/ Advance Diploma in Hospitality Management, Hotel and F&B Industry.
international hospitality management experience essential.
• Updated with the latest F&B trends, technologies and best practices and ability to tie this into
guest expectation.
• Strong knowledge and skill in hostess operation to approach the F&B highest standard
• Highly organized with excellent negotiation skills.

Quyền lợi

Sales incentives: Based on the sales target achievement
Competitive salary
Full benefits
13th month salary, ceremony, Tet
The opportunity to experience high- end service

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-06-29 10:00:03

Xem thêm
Người tìm việc lưu ý:
Bạn đang xem tin LỄ TÂN - HABANOS - Mã tin đăng: 4457433. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi


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