Logistics Manager

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Mô tả công việc

Mô tả công việc

Mô tả Công việc
Purpose/Key Objectives of the Job:
To manage owned resources and outsourcing suppliers to ensure that they can deliver business requirements as well as to anticipate resources for business growth.
To manage and lead entire finished goods chains from production sites to customer&039;s sites, including all nationwide logistics, warehouses, replenishments, distributions with compliance to company HSE- S; control inventory accuracy, at the lowest cost to serve as well as provide better service to customers than competitors.
HSE- S Management:
Responsibility for HSES SAQ- Supply Chain Aspects.
HSES & Sustainability: Establish a culture and build processes in logistics to meet the HSES & Sustainability goals. Target zero injuries with implementation of LSR, BBS, PSM & other initiatives driving the site HSES improvement plans.
Maintain a safe and healthy work environment by establishing and enforcing standards and procedures and by complying with legal regulations.
For Warehouse: responsibility for management of Finished Goods Warehouse both onsite Binh Duong & external 3PL warehouses, maintaining 5S, HSES, Gemba, BBS.
Responsible to establish Distribution emergency response and distribution drills for transporters and warehouses.
Plan and execute audit hauliers, tracking the pending items and follow through to ensure it gets done.
Warehouse Management:
Manage stock control and reconcile with data storage system. Responsible for stock accuracy and conduct cycle count and stock take following AN policy and procedures.
Review and prepare workflows, staffing requirements, space allocations, equipment layouts, and action plans that meet company standards for productivity, quality, and customer service.
Train and manage the warehouse team to solve day- to- day operational issues and reach short- and long- term performance goals.
Manage the Chromascan tinting system and procedures (if applicable) to align service lead time agreement.
Supervise warehouse employees and oversee daily operations complied with Vietnam regulation and AN HSES policy (Life saving rules, BBS, 5S...). Adhere to all warehousing, handling and shipping legislation requirements.
Setting up WH layout and ensure efficient space utilization.
Maintain the FIFO for Warehouses through ERP system, and control inventory levels by conducting periodic stock physical counts; reconciling with data storage system to maintain stock accuracy and minimize variance. Identify and resolve any inventory discrepancies and ensure inventory and system records are accurate. Keep track of slow moving and obsolete stock.
Inspect equipment, tools, and machinery regularly, and oversee general maintenance when necessary.
To review, revise and develop SOP and training to warehouse staff in order to manage all warehouse activities in high efficiency.
Distribution Management:
Meet and communicate with internal stakeholders and customers where applicable on a regular basis to understand and fulfill their requirements.
Identify cost saving projects, monitor, and track spending.
Export management: Intercompany dispatches (ICD)- scheduling the export dispatches as per customer requirements meeting OTIF and cost targets. Maintains knowledge of best practices including the most efficient and cost- effective shipping methods.
Local Contract manager for all 3rd party logistics services covering the provisions of transport, including invoice approval. Conduct annual Haulier audit as AN requirement.
Maintain knowledge of regulations related to transportation including those related to hazardous shipments, employee safety, and freight classifications.
Manage performance of service providers with emphasis on productivity, efficiency, and service delivery.
Drive a culture of Continuous improvement to meet key targets on OTIF and cost; to formulate and implement transportation- related procedures as well as company revenue goals and customer service objectives.
Oversee daily routes and improve route plans to ensure timely deliveries as well as cost optimization/cost savings. Plan and schedule deliveries to meet customer needs.
Monitor on time delivery results, do root- cause analysis and action plans to improve delivery service.
People Management:
Consciously create a workplace culture that is consistent with the overall organization&039;s and that emphasizes the identified mission, vision, guiding principles, and values of the organization.
Responsible for planning and maintaining work systems, procedures, and policies that enable and encourage the optimum performance of its people and other resources within a business unit.
Coach, mentor, and develop staff, including overseeing new employee onboarding and providing career development planning and opportunities.
Set departmental objectives/KPIs and review and assess ongoing performance of direct reports.
CAPEX/OPEX Management:
Responsible for the management of the Logistics budget (Safety, quality, costs, delivery & people).
Responsible for logistics&039; budget planning and performance monitoring, continuous improvement on efficiency and be aware of external risks/vulnerabilities that may require the company to always respond to.
Plan and ensure logistic capacity to deliver demand using available best practices technology, including regular assessment on number of transporters & storage capacity through site logistics Capability update. Develop and obtain approval of logistic capital plan & lead execution of capex budgets within logistics.
Manage stock control and reconcile with data storage system. Responsible for stock accuracy and conduct cycle count and stock take following AN policy and procedures.
Local Contract manager for all 3rd party logistics services covering the provisions of transport, including invoice approval. Conduct annual Haulier audit as AN requirement.
Coordinate with Sourcing team to conduct RFQ (Request for Quotation) for Vendor Bidding and Selection (Transportation Vendor, Freight Vendor, 3PL Vendor).
Consciously create a workplace culture that is consistent with the overall organization&039;s and that emphasizes the identified mission, vision, guiding principles, and values of the organization.
To manage and lead entire finished goods chains from production sites to customer&039;s sites, including all nationwide logistics, warehouses, replenishments, distributions with compliance to company HSE- S; control inventory accuracy, at the lowest cost to serve as well as provide better service to customers than competitors.
Meet and communicate with internal stakeholders and customers where applicable on a regular basis to understand and fulfill their requirements.
Manage performance of service providers with emphasis on productivity, efficiency, and service delivery.
Export management: Intercompany dispatches (ICD)- scheduling the export dispatches as per customer requirements meeting OTIF and cost targets. Maintains knowledge of best practices including the most efficient and cost- effective shipping methods.
Maintain a safe and healthy work environment by establishing and enforcing standards and procedures and by complying with legal regulations.
Inspect equipment, tools, and machinery regularly, and oversee general maintenance when necessary.
Set departmental objectives/KPIs and review and assess ongoing performance of direct reports.
HSES & Sustainability: Establish a culture and build processes in logistics to meet the HSES & Sustainability goals. Target zero injuries with implementation of LSR, BBS, PSM & other initiatives driving the site HSES improvement plans.
Oversee daily routes and improve route plans to ensure timely deliveries as well as cost optimization/cost savings. Plan and schedule deliveries to meet customer needs.
Plan and execute audit hauliers, tracking the pending items and follow through to ensure it gets done.
Other tasks assigned by direct Manager.
Participate and support all Regional Projects related to Logistics.
Coach, mentor, and develop staff, including overseeing new employee onboarding and providing career development planning and opportunities.
For Warehouse: responsibility for management of Finished Goods Warehouse both onsite Binh Duong & external 3PL warehouses, maintaining 5S, HSES, Gemba, BBS.
Other tasks assigned by direct Manager.
Identify cost saving projects, monitor, and track spending.
Responsible for the management of the Logistics budget (Safety, quality, costs, delivery & people).
Setting up WH layout and ensure efficient space utilization.
Maintain the FIFO for Warehouses through ERP system, and control inventory levels by conducting periodic stock physical counts; reconciling with data storage system to maintain stock accuracy and minimize variance. Identify and resolve any inventory discrepancies and ensure inventory and system records are accurate. Keep track of slow moving and obsolete stock.
Plan and ensure logistic capacity to deliver demand using available best practices technology, including regular assessment on number of transporters & storage capacity through site logistics Capability update. Develop and obtain approval of logistic capital plan & lead execution of capex budgets within logistics.
Drive a culture of Continuous improvement to meet key targets on OTIF and cost; to formulate and implement transportation- related procedures as well as company revenue goals and customer service objectives.
Responsibility for HSES SAQ- Supply Chain Aspects.
Responsible for planning and maintaining work systems, procedures, and policies that enable and encourage the optimum performance of its people and other resources within a business unit.
Responsible for logistics&039; budget planning and performance monitoring, continuous improvement on efficiency and be aware of external risks/vulnerabilities that may require the company to always respond to.
Participate and support all Regional Projects related to Logistics.
Review and prepare workflows, staffing requirements, space allocations, equipment layouts, and action plans that meet company standards for productivity, quality, and customer service.
Train and manage the warehouse team to solve day- to- day operational issues and reach short- and long- term performance goals.
Monitor on time delivery results, do root- cause analysis and action plans to improve delivery service.
Supervise warehouse employees and oversee daily operations complied with Vietnam regulation and AN HSES policy (Life saving rules, BBS, 5S...). Adhere to all warehousing, handling and shipping legislation requirements.
Maintain knowledge of regulations related to transportation including those related to hazardous shipments, employee safety, and freight classifications.
Manage the Chromascan tinting system and procedures (if applicable) to align service lead time agreement.
Responsible to establish Distribution emergency response and distribution drills for transporters and warehouses.
To manage owned resources and outsourcing suppliers to ensure that they can deliver business requirements as well as to anticipate resources for business growth.
Coordinate with Sourcing team to conduct RFQ (Request for Quotation) for Vendor Bidding and Selection (Transportation Vendor, Freight Vendor, 3PL Vendor).
To review, revise and develop SOP and training to warehouse staff in order to manage all warehouse activities in high efficiency.

Yêu cầu công việc

Yêu Cầu Công Việc
Able to independently lead operational team on- site, engage in discussions with various internal and external stakeholders.
Experience of CI practices.
Good computer skills (ERP (SAP), PowerPoint, Excel, Word, SharePoint)
Deliver on commitment.
Strong values on customer focus.
Candidates with experience in consumers/chemical industries are preferred.
Excellent analytical and numeric skills.
Strong leadership & managerial skills to manage big teams and drive collaboration and synergy across different teams.
Communication and presentation skills.
Bachelor&039;s degree Technical/Industrial Degree with added advantage of Masters/diploma in Logistics or Supply Chain.
Sustainability and integrity.
Strong operation&039;s go- and- see mindset (Gemba, Kaizen, Lean) to be able to find gaps in our current operations processes to drive operations optimizations.
Fluent English
>5 years of logistics experience, project management and leading a team of min 5 employees in the last 3 years. Understanding of logistics operations, focused on warehouse and transport executional approaches.

Quyền lợi

Chăm sóc sức khỏe
Chế độ thưởng
Xe đưa đón
Nghỉ phép năm
Đào tạo
Chế độ bảo hiểm
Tăng lương

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-08-22 04:35:03

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Bạn đang xem tin Logistics Manager - Mã tin đăng: 4578796. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi


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