Prepare lesson materials e.g. 3D objects, flashcards, photocopy worksheets ETC.
Coordinate with the other teachers and follow snack time procedure.
Lead and/or assist during circle time.
Coordinate with the other teachers and assist during play time.
Coordinate with other teachers and follow procedure for handover of children to late duty class.
Coordinate with the other teachers and assist during meal preparations.
Help maintain a prepared classroom environment.
Coordinate with the other teachers and follow bus handover procedure.
Demonstrate Montessori lessons to the children and record their progress and development.
Coordinate with the other teachers and assist in implementing hygiene procedure for the children.
Perform early duty and late duty as assigned by the School Boarsd.
Work with teachers in the preparation of individual lessons and plans for the children.
Keep up- to- date of emails/information concerning English class and respond in a timely manner.
Coordinate with the other teachers and follow naptime procedure.
Teach English Language five (5) times a week
Coordinate with the other teachers and follow procedure during handover of students.
Coordinate with the other teachers in other subjects (e.g. gardening, cooking, Art, Music, etc.)
Perform assigned tasks by the Lead Teacher in the daily operation in the classroom, including attendance checking and Kids Online
Coordinate with the other teachers and follow procedure on cleaning and maintenance of classroom.
Coordinate with other teachers and check classroom equipment, electricity and overall condition of the classroom before leaving as a safety precaution.
Attend the weekly meeting for English class teachers.
For Montessori Certified and Intern teachers: Submit circle plan to the Lead Teacher.
For Montessori Certified and Inter teachers: Ensure that the Gate Sign is properly posted outside the classroom if assigned as Circle Lead Teacher for the week.
Submit weekly English class summary and upload it on the Google Drive.
Report for early and late duty as assigned by the School Board.
Prepare and submit English Class Lesson Plan and upload it on Google Drive.
Submit monthly individual feedback for Montessori work for your classroom students and upload it on the Google Drive
Coordinate with other teachers in the purchase of classroom supplies. Ensure proper liquidation of class funds with Accounting Department.
Coordinate with the Vice Principal for International Department and submit monthly stationery order for English class.
Submit monthly individual feedback for English class for students and upload it on the Google Drive.
Semi- Annual (twice a year)
Support the Lead Teacher in preparing the Progress Reports and Narratives of all students.
Discuss the English curriculum to the parents during Parent Conferences and answer concerns/ questions about the English Class.
Support the Lead Teacher in preparing and conducting Parent- Teacher Conferences every Semester.
/Prepare English Class Portfolio (compilation of children’s work) for all students.
Coordinate with the other teachers in the preparation and submission of materials inventory.
Prepare and conduct Student Assessment every semester as requested by the Academic Board.
Annually/ Yearly
Discuss the English curriculum with the parents during Parent Orientation and answer concerns/ questions about the English Class.
Support the Lead Teacher in the preparation and in conducting Parent Orientation at the beginning of the school year.
Support and participate in class/ and or department events and activities (United Nations, Women’s Day, Christmas, etc.)
Attend trainings sponsored by the school.
Be open to other tasks as requested by the School Board in line with their duties as English Teacher.
Support and participate in school- sponsored events and activities (Field Trips, Sports Festival, Tet Festival, Winter Concert, Summer Concert, etc.)
Prepare and conduct Parent- Teacher Conference/ Meeting, as needed, in coordination with the Lead Teacher.
Print out Lesson Plan for purposes of class observations.
Check and report to the Lead Teacher or any School Board member any occurrence/ instance that may threaten the safety and wellbeing of our students.
Do other tasks corresponding to the job requirements as well as regulations of the company, accrediting agencies and Vietnamese law as assigned and instructed by the leaders.
Attend class and department meetings as requested.
Prepare and conduct mock- interview to students.
Work with all the teachers in the classroom to help meet KPI standards.
Coordinate with the Lead Teacher in attending to concerns/comments from parents and other departments concerning our students.
Participate in the discussion and implementation with the other teachers regarding school events.