Cash and bank accounts
Prepare accounting vouchers and record transactions by cash, POS and wire transfer;
Prepare bank payment order;
Perform monthly cash count together with Chief Accountant and reconcile bank statement of all accounts;
Assets, equipments and prepaid expense
Obtain accounting documents and record the transactions on accounting software;
Calculate and record prepaid expense, accumulated depreciation, accrued expense;
Revenue – Account Receivables
Retain proforma invoice from course consultant and operations consultant
Create contracts, payment vouchers and invoices in accordance to the method of payments (cash, POS or wire transfer);
Reflect the transactions on accounting books and update the company roster accordingly;
Expense – Account Payables
Review all the contracts, invoices and payment requests in accordance with the law and regulations;
Reconcile payable balance with suppliers;
Tax report
Personal Income Tax
Prepare salary payment vouchers, insurance, tax payslip and tax declaration;
Record salary, insurance, tax followed by final salary calculation;
Foreign Contractor Tax
Register tax code for the contractor, prepare the FCT calculation and declaration in time and accurately;
Value- Added Tax
Review all the input and output invoices, update the tracker accordingly and create the VAT declaration followed by tax law;
Corporation Income Tax
Check all the revenues and expense in accordance with the regulations and prepare the CIT finalization by the end of the fiscal year;
Other tax reports: Prepare and submit all the tax reports accurately and timely;
Financial Report
Review, reconcile and responsible for all the accounts in charge;
Prepare quarterly, 6- monthly, yearly financial statements and detailed explanatory reports;
Other tasks
File all the documents in order and effectively;
Explain data and provide documents and data to tax, audit, inspection agencies at the request of the office in charge.;
Other tasks assigned by supervisors;