[HCM] Công Ty BAMBUUP Tuyển Dụng Thực Tập Sinh Capital, Chuyên Viên Marketing Part-time/Full-time 2024

Mức lương
8 - 10 triệu
Địa điểm làm việc
Hồ Chí Minh
Kinh nghiệm yêu cầu
Yêu cầu ứng viên có kinh nghiệm
Chi tiết tin tuyển dụng

Mô tả công việc



BambuUP’s mission is to facilitate Meaningful connections among Startups & Corporates/ Investors via the very first marketplace to nurture a complete online innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. 

Website: http://bambuup.com
Tính chất công việc: Toàn thời gian - Chuyên môn: Marketing, Truyền Thông, PR; Bán hàng (Sales) - Địa điểm: Hồ Chí Minh - Mức lương: Từ 8 Triệu - Dưới 10 Triệu VNĐ / Tháng; Từ 10 Triệu - Dưới 15 Triệu VNĐ / Tháng - Kinh nghiệm: Yêu cầu ứng viên có kinh nghiệm

The Marketing Executive will assist in the execution of marketing and communications strategy for our company. The following are the types of work you’ll actually perform:


  • Plan and monitor the ongoing company presence on digital channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Website, etc.)

  • Enforce and follow brand guidelines, ensuring the brand recognition grows within the target market.

  • Manage the production cycle of marketing materials; including leaflets, posters, flyers, newsletters and email campaigns.

  • Initiate and control surveys to assess customer requirements and dedication

  • Monitor progress of campaigns using various metrics and submit reports of performance

  • Maintain and update the internal CRM (contact management) database.

  • Post marketing campaign evaluation

  • Maintain relationships with media vendors and publishers to ensure collaboration in promotional activities


  • Generate sales leads through electronic communications such as email campaigns, pay per-click adverts, social media and website optimization for all products, services

  • Plan, organize and promote product specific events such as conferences, seminars, receptions and exhibitions; and attend where required

  • Review, optimize and update the corporate website to ensure maximum visibility and accessibility, ensuring visitor retention

  • Conduct market research and analysis to evaluate trends, brand awareness and competition ventures

  • Conduct customer research

  • Keep current with professional sector news

  • Analyze and monitor competitors and their marketing strategies

  • Conceive and develop efficient and intuitive marketing strategies

Project Management

  • Work with the team to develop marketing plans and strategies

  • Liaise with external contacts such as designers, print agencies and editors

  • Support the Marketing Manager and other colleagues in preparing budgets and monitoring expenses

  • Support all departments when required

  • 1-2+ years of experience at the same position. Working in a field related to Startups or Technology Company is a plus.

  • Or 1 year of experience in SEO, Digital Marketing

  • Good analytical skills as well as communication skills (oral and written).

  • Fluent in written and spoken English.

  • Interpersonal and presentation skills.

  • Effective team working skill

  • Proactive, positive attitude, creative thinking, good problem solving skills, willing to learn, adapt and operate with a dynamic and fast moving work environment.

  • Be able to work under high pressure and meet deadlines.

  • Salary for full-time applicants: 9-11M VND (gross).

  • Social insurance, Health insurance, Unemployment insurance.

  • Building the base for one potential Startups to contribute into Startups Ecosystem and Entrepreneurship in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

  • Access to the network with Key People in variety categories in Economy and Startups Ecosystem from Vietnam and Global.

  • Going fast and going effectively with one brilliant BODs and one supportive, active, young and enthusiastic team.

  • Participating in office activities such as Happy Hour, 10-min daily Healthcare Program…

  • Annual company trip and other incentives based on performance.

  • Submit your application via the APPLY NOW button below.
  • Deadline: 23:59 15/6/2024
  • Note: Only selected candidates will be contacted (via email). Make sure that your email and Spam/ Promotions box are checked regularly so that you will not miss any notifications from us.
4 applicants
Kinh nghiệm: Không cần kinh nghiệm - Đừng lo! Chúng tôi sẽ đào tạo bạn từ đầu. Có kinh nghiệm là điểm cộng! - Mức lương: Từ 1 Triệu - Dưới 4 Triệu VNĐ / Tháng - Địa điểm: Hồ Chí Minh - Chuyên môn: Tài chính, Chứng khoán, Ngân Hàng - Tính chất công việc: Thực tập; Bán thời gian
  • Perform preliminary analysis of potential engagement- company and market research, financial and valuation analysis;

  • Manage the daily activities of sell-side & buy - side engagement;

  • Build and/or review financial models, including business plan;

  • Synthesize research information such as comparable company and precedent transactions to be used in modeling, competitive analysis, industry analysis;

  • Prepare and/or review quality pitches, marketing materials, management presentations and client presentations;

  • Oversee data room and manage an investment process for buy and sell side engagements, working closely with client and the target buyer/seller;

  • Identify and explore potential new engagement; Attend trade shows/networking events to source Mergers and Acquisitions leads;

  • Establish long-term relationships with clients and partners through ongoing communication and face to face meetings;

  • Perform administrative activities in support of engagements, including: NDA documentation, engagement agreements, time budgets and billings.

  • Majoring in finance, business or a related discipline

  • Strong communication skills with ability to build relationships and work confidentially, independently as well as in a team

  • Strong English Written and verbal communication skills

  • Strong Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Candidates with graphic design and market research skills are preferred.

  • Character, ambition and drive to succeed within a dynamic industry are critical

  • A passion for working with startup business and management teams

  • Pre-existing understanding of investment process, terms and conditions will be an advantage

  • Monthly allowance of 1,995,000 VND for full-time applicants and 1,000,000 VND for part-time applicants.

  • Duration at least 3 months for full-time and 4 months for part-time.

  • Learning in a deep level about Startups Ecosystem and Entrepreneurship in Vietnam and Southeast Asia

  • Access to the network with Key People in variety categories in Economy and Startups Ecosystem from Vietnam and Global.

  • Going fast and going effectively with one brilliant BODs and one supportive, active, young and enthusiastic team.

  • Participating in professional and work skills training.

  • Participating in office activities as Happy Hour, 10-min daily Healthcare Program...

  • Receiving a certificate and references to CV after finishing the training program.

  • Submit your application via the APPLY NOW button below.
  • Deadline: 23:59 15/6/2024
  • Note: Only selected candidates will be contacted (via email). Make sure that your email and Spam/ Promotions box are checked regularly so that you will not miss any notifications from us.
11 applicants

Cập nhật gần nhất lúc: 2024-07-03 09:20:05

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Bạn đang xem tin [HCM] Công Ty BAMBUUP Tuyển Dụng Thực Tập Sinh Capital, Chuyên Viên Marketing Part-time/Full-time 2024 - Mã tin đăng: 4464247. Mọi thông tin liên quan tới tin tuyển dụng này là do người đăng tin đăng tải và chịu trách nhiệm. Chúng tôi luôn cố gắng để có chất lượng thông tin tốt nhất, nhưng chúng tôi không đảm bảo và không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ nội dung nào liên quan tới tin việc làm này. Nếu người tìm việc phát hiện có sai sót hay vấn đề gì xin hãy báo cáo cho chúng tôi


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